


研究 & 培训的博客


A Call for Collaboration Between Disability Services 和 Academic Advising

by 亚当·R. Lalor, Ph值.D.Manju 巴纳吉博士.D.


给n the low rate of college completion for students with disabilities, it is possible that traditional student 支持 services 和 accommodations may not be fully meeting their needs. Limited re搜索 on the efficacy of traditional interventions (Madaus et al., 2016) highlights the need for new 和 collaborative ways to engage, 支持, 并让这些学生顺利毕业.

Academic advising (AA) is ubiquitous in higher education. 根据光(2001), “Good advising is the single most underestimated element of a successful college experience” (para. 5). Advisors are tasked with a broad range of responsibilities, from imparting the ideals of higher education to facilitating advisees’ academic 和 career goal development (O’Banion, 2012). 根据NACADA的说法, 学术顾问协会(2006年), advisors assist students as they “craft a coherent educational plan based on assessment of abilities, 愿望, 利益, 和价值观”(第41段). 10).


本质上, a set of courses is being selected to meet the individual needs of the students while simultaneously ensuring that the institution upholds the curricular expectations 和 obligations. 给n the individualized 和 personal nature of the advisor-advisee relationship, it is not surprising that the re搜索 points to the significant impact AA can have on student retention (McArthur, 2005).

Academic advisors are particularly well positioned to serve students with disabilities because the advising process is about a plan of study towards graduation 和 is future-oriented (Habley et al., 2012). 相反, Disability Services (DS) is often perceived as focused on “functional limitations” 和 accommodations for these limitations. 鉴于AA和DS之间的差异, it is conceivable that a student would find it much easier to meet with an academic advisor than to meet with DS professional.

一般, little direct interaction takes place between DS professionals 和 advisors beyond one-off professional development workshops or if there is an individual student situation that requires intervention. We believe this must change 和 call for greater collaboration between DS professionals 和 academic advisors. 像这样, we call for colleges 和 universities to adopt a model of academic advising that can be used to collect key data about student abilities. 鉴于披露残疾的障碍(例如.g., concerns about stigma 和 discrimination; Hartman-Hall & Haaga, 2002), decreasing emphasis on disability documentation in the determination of accommodations (之前, 2012), 以及AA的无所不在性质和定位, academic advising offers an optimal setting for (a) faculty sensitivity towards disability 和 disability awareness, (b) the provision of learning 支持s beyond traditional accommodations, 和 for (c) making referrals to appropriate campus services (e.g., DS,学生服务,咨询,ADA协调员).

AA (D’alessio)的混合模型 & 巴纳吉, 2016)是顾问的一种方法, 与DS供应商合作, can provide valuable scaffolding 和 early intervention for students with disabilities. The model of advising used at 具有里程碑意义的大学 in Putney, VT, combines directive advising practices 和 components of academic coaching. Key elements that define this hybrid model of advising include:

  • 从一开始就建立起牢固的顾问关系
  • 持续评估学业准备情况
  • 建立明确的目标
  • 具体的行动步骤
  • 学生光

Greater collaboration 和 partnership between these strategic groups within a college campus, 我们相信, can improve the outcomes for postsecondary students with disabilities. We encourage our colleagues in both DS 和 AA to forge proactive partnerships 和 consider ways to share resources 和 insight to ensure that students with disabilities are provided optimal chances for postsecondary success.

NOTE: For a more in-depth look at the hybrid model of academic advising, check out the D’Alessio 和 巴纳吉’s (2016) article in the Journal of Postsecondary Education 和 Disability: http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1113031.pdf


之前. (2012). Supporting accommodation requests: Guidance on documentation practices. 检索自http://www.之前.org/uploads/docs/resources/Final_之前_Supporting%20Accommodation%20Requests%20with%20Q&A%2009_12.pdf

D 'Alessio K. A.班纳吉,M. (2016). Academic Advising as an Intervention for College 学生 with 注意力缺陷多动症. Journal of Postsecondary Education 和 Disability, 29(2), 109 – 121.

Habley W. R.布鲁姆,J. L.罗宾斯,S. (2012). Increasing persistence: 研究-based strategies for college student success. 旧金山,加州:乔西-巴斯.

Hartman-Hall H. M.哈加,D. A. (2002). College students’ willingness to seek help for their learning disabilities. 学习障碍季刊,25(4),263 - 274.

光,R. J. (2001年3月2日). 好建议对学生的力量. 高等教育编年史,B11.

Madaus J. W.盖尔巴,N.杜克,L. L.A、b、c、d、c、d、c、d. R.伦巴第,A.科维特,J.法格拉-露比先生. N. (2016年9月15日). Literature on postsecondary disability services: A call for re搜索 guidelines. 高等教育多样性杂志. 提前在线出版. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037 / dhe0000045

NACADA. (2006). NACADA的学术咨询概念. 检索自:http://www.nacada.已经代.edu/资源/Clearinghouse/View-Articles/Concept-of-Academic-Advising-a598.aspx

T·奥班宁,. (2012). 被建议. 社区大学学报,83(2),42 - 47.



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